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Jumbo Evans Park

Our beautiful fields in the Texas hill country

Rules and Regulations

  • Dogs must be leashed and picked up after, violation subject to county fine
  • No Noise Makers Allowed (i.e., drums, bells, horns, etc…)
  • Coaches are responsible for picking up any trash left by their teams after games and practices
  • No glass containers are allowed at any time
  • No alcoholic beverages allowed on the premises
  • Goals are not allowed to be moved without prior permission from field scheduler, if you move goals put them back when finished
  • Benches are not allowed to be moved
  • When fields are closed, please respect this and do not use the fields
  • Do not hang or climb on goals and nets, doing so may cause severe injury
  • No kicking balls around concession stand area
  • When possible always try to practice where fields are not already worn out, and limit practice area to half of a field
  • Select and U10 coaches, please check with scheduler for field assignments for practices

We continue to have one of the BEST soccer complexes in South Texas, please help us keep our complex clean and looking great by enforcing and following the above rules.

James Skyrm - Field Scheduler & Maintenance
(210) 827-5834

Jumbo Evans Sports Complex

101 Jumbo Evans Bvld, Spring Branch, TX 78070

BYSA Volunteers